We have been working in India since 2011! Parts of our mission there have changed over the years, but the goal remains the same. We like to describe everything we do in India as helping people to know Jesus a little better. When we share the story of Jesus with someone who has never heard before, or conduct discipleship trainings at a church or fellowship, give away Bibles, or serve the poor in Jesus name, we feel we have accomplished this goal. In the years of work, we have shared the gospel countless times, provided medicine and doctoral care to some of the poorest and most remote places, provided food and clothing to people in need, led small group discipleship classes, spoken in churches and schools, and made many friends.
As we continue to work our vision expands and God continues to use us in ways we could have never forseen. Currently, we are working on the prelimenary stages of building a care home for eldery Indians in need. This home will provide a place for people to spend their remaining time on earth in peace.
In the future we hope to develop a tailoring program to help lift people from poverty and a teaching farm where people can learn to grow some of their own food as a source of nourishment and possible income.
Our work in India is the most cost intensive part of our ministry and we are always looking for people who want to partner with us in prayer, in traveling to India for ministry, and in finachial support.
Please click here for updates on the Daya Seva Care Home.
If you are interested in any of the work we are doing in India, please use the "contact us" tab to get in touch!